Orlando, FL, USA

Dear Cancer, Thank You

stel bailey cancer

Dear Cancer,

I stand here today as a testament to the strength and resilience that you could not take away from me. I am an empowered patient, a fierce warrior, and a nurturing soul who refused to succumb to your relentless assault. Though you invaded my body and disrupted the course of my life, you granted me the wisdom to cherish each passing moment, and for that, I am grateful.

You may have caused turmoil within my family, occasionally gaining ground by stirring up my emotions, but you have facilitated connections with strangers, forging tighter bonds and unveiling individuals previously unnoticed in my life. There were nights when tears streamed down my face uncontrollably, yet you instilled within me the courage to confront fear head-on. Despite violating the very core of my DNA, you have taught me to redefine beauty beyond the confines of a bald, browless, and lash-less face. I wear my scars as proud badges, embracing this newfound perspective on life.

While you have undoubtedly been a horrific nightmare for countless souls on this planet, a malevolent affliction that knows no mercy, we, as a collective, are growing stronger in the face of adversity. I extend my heartfelt appreciation for all the trials and tribulations that I have endured because of you, for they have shaped me into the person I am today. You have sparked a fire within me that will forever glow with intensity, and someday my fiercest adversaries will owe their gratitude to you. Thank you for helping me find courage to live.