These photos are free to use with required attribution on social media, blogs, news sites, videos, and other websites. All images on this website remain the property of Stel Bailey and may not be redistributed or profited from without written permission. If you are using them for paid commissions, b
St. Louis, MO, USA
13 Jun 09
flowers .
inthewild .
missouri .
nature .
naturephotography .
photography .
stlouis .
Travel .
travelphotography .
United States
Nature's Masterpiece: Unveiling the Mesmerizing Rose Garden near St. Louis
Exploring the Nan Elliot Rose Garden in Gordon Moore Community Park. This renowned garden in St. Louis boasts an impressive collection of over 125 roses and 1600 rose bushes. Photography Tip: To elevate the visual appeal of your floral photographs, consider using a water spray bottle to produce
Orlando, FL, USA
08 Jun 08
A Fusion of Art and Fashion: Graffiti-inspired Model Photography Session in Central Florida
The Central Florida Model Photography Network organized a photo shoot in downtown Orlando, utilizing the graffiti yard as a vibrant and lively backdrop for our images. This network is a hub for professionals looking to work together on innovative portrait photography. From models to makeup artis
These photos are free to use with required attribution on social media, blogs, news sites, videos, and other websites. All images on this website remain the property of Stel Bailey and may not be redistributed or profited from without written permission. If you are using them for paid commissions,
Florida, USA
03 Apr 07
Eye-Opening Inspiration: Seven Creative Images Showcasing Mascara Brush Wands
These photos are free to use with required attribution on social media, blogs, news sites, videos, and other websites. All images on this website remain the property of Stel Bailey and may not be redistributed or profited from without written permission. If you are using them for paid commissions, b
These photos are free to use with required attribution on social media, blogs, news sites, videos, and other websites. All images on this website remain the property of Stel Bailey and may not be redistributed or profited from without written permission. If you are using them for paid commissions, b